
Weather on Folly Beach

To visitors, Folly Beach may have on and off-seasons, but to locals, it is always in season. Beaches usually lose their summer residents once fall comes around. But not at Folly. It’s residents stay year round, along with the stores and restaurants. Although the beach crowds dwindle, the town remains up and running because either winter or summer, there is always something to do.

Summer is Folly’s most popular season, since most desire a summer getaway. Around June and July, the temperatures are up to the mid to high 80s. The sunny blue skies invite all visitors or locals onto the warm sand. Ice cream almost immediately melts off the cone. Those relaxing on the sand have to take breaks in the ocean to cool down. You’ll get that perfect sun-kissed tan everyone desires. Long summer days end with the most beautiful sunset, with no need for any sweaters or sweatshirts! As August rolls around, the heat gets almost up to the 90s, so keep hydrating!

As summer comes to an end, the summer weather surely persists at Folly Beach. In September students are itching to get to the beach after class. Although the temps have slightly dropped to the mid to high 70s. You better have your sunnies and a tub of suntan lotion within reach because the UV index has not eased off. Next thing you know, its October and the sun is still out and beaming. November is when the weather begins to chill down and get cold, just how the rest of the northern hemisphere did a couple months earlier. Thankfully, the Folly summer glow lasts until the end of fall!

Although winter technically starts in December, us Folly goers can still wear shorts on Christmas! With the average temp around 50-60s, it is mostly only cold at night. Local residents tend to favor winter more than the overcrowded summer days. Beaches are quiet, and tad chillier and windier, but everyone is out of sight. Bring your dog with you on the beach, a towel, and cozy sweatshirt, to set you up for the prettiest sunset. Even if there might be a rain shower, the low-country sunset never fails to amaze. Or even watch surfers decked out in a wetsuit ride the best waves of the year. January is when the cold weather starts to set in. Some days the weather gets as 27 degrees, but the next day its already back up to 62! This is the time I recommend a light winter jacket and pants.

As we make our way to February, the weather warms back to mid 60s, and by March people are already hitting the beaches back up. Pull out the swimsuits because the blue skies and the warm sun are back. April in Folly is the equivalent of June in northern beaches, as it marks the starting point of summer weather in Folly at around 75 degrees. The April Showers bring not only May flowers, but also the heat! And Folly is back in Summer Mode.

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